Of grades and results
Repos Administration
A day with no lecture planned, but no rest for this Great Dragon. since yesterday's grades can't be entered through the web (long, boring story), my Dragon office colleague enters the notes that I'm reading off my phone's screen.
We prepare report cars and result summaries, it takes a lot of time, with a small interruption by some students who (surprise, surprise) want to change groups. After that we prepare two report cards manually for a student doing a customized cursus (which means it doesn't simply work using the grade management software, so we tinker to get it "working")
After that mini-meeting with another colleague to talk about some sheep who want to change paddocks (again, but these are english speaking ones), some of whom may give me a headache.
All in all, I left work at 7pm (but I'll be honest, I spent the whole morning at home).
Tomorrow, meetings to validate or fail students, and then the department general meeting, now that's gonna be rock&roll.
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